Cricket Ledge
Moderate Cryptic Letterbox, somerwhere in MA. Solve the meaning of the italic words below to find the box. Each word is separated by semicolon.

LOCATION: Somewhere in MA
LAST CHECKED: 07-SEP-2002 This box is back in action with a fresh new log book. Enjoy!
DIRECTIONS: You will need to figure this out yourself.
CLUE DIFFICULTY: Cryptic Moderate

Boggestow; Ward's Flying Grey Squirrel; Inverse sworraN;

Metacomet's; syn 1.Survey 2. Neglect 3. or to Head;

70o 60 paces, on Northside of Earl Grey _ .

Clues provided by The Disch Family

Before you set out read the waiver of responsibility and disclaimer.

Last modified: January 03 2007 17:49:25.
Copyright © 1995-2005 Jeremy Disch